Friday, 13 March 2015

Wazifa For Sugar or Diabetes

If you have Diabetes please do this wazifa for 11 days and you will be cured in 11 days. This is a tried and tested wazifa. Each time it works. Condition is that your income must be halal and you must be doing 5 times Salah.

Feel free to complain if it does not work. 

Take a glass of water and put it next to you before you do your Fajr Salah. Then after every Fajr Salah while sitting read 

Darood/Salavat 3 times

Surah Yasin Ayet no 58

“salamun kolum min rabbir rehim” 100 times

Darood/Salavat 3 times 

But the Darood/Salavat has to be the one you read in Salah. Meaning Darood Ibrahimi. Put a glass of water infront of you before starting the wazifa. 

Then do a dam on it (blow on the water) and drink it all.

Then write the same Ayet on a piece of paper with non alcoholic ink. Then take a bottle of water and put it inside and drink that water whole day. Finish the water before you sleep each night. You will write a new paper each day. keep the old paper in the bottle. At the end of the wazifa bury the papers in the bottle in a safe place where no one steps or drop them in flowing water after tieing them to a stone.

Do this every day for 11 days. Your sugar will disappear for ever.

If the water gets less please add normal water in it and only drink this water. 

Wazifa For Sugar or Diabetes -2

Darood/Salavat 3 times

Surah Beni Isreal (Quran Chap 15) 

"Rabbe id khilni mad khal sid ka va akh rijni makhraja vaj al li min ladunka sultan nin naseeran"

Read the ayet 3 times only. then after that 

3 times darood/Salavat
Then do dam(blow) on glass of water and drink it. Do this until you are ok or the patient. You will see how it will cure sugar. Feel free to check your blood sugar level to see the effects of the ayet every day or weekly.

Second benefit of this ayet is that anyone who will drink the water will start salah 5 times a day.

Wazifa For Sugar or Diabetes -3

Do this everyday after any salah and then do it after same salah every day. After reading blow (Dam) on your body. Continue until you have total shifa (Cure)

Darood/Salavat 11 times
Surah kafiroon 4 times
Surah Ikhlas 4 times
Last ayet of surah Yunus 4 times.....(Kul ya ahhu hal nasu kad…until…wa hova kahirul hakimeen)
After one week please do a blood test to see the effects yourself. You will be surprised.