If you think that you have black magic on you and you have all indications that it is black magic then read
Darood/Salavat 11 times
Surah taha Ayet no 68 and 69......100 times (Read them together as one ayet)
Darood/Salavat 11 times
Do a dam (blow) on water and give it to the person who has black magic or you can drink the water yourself.
Do this for 11 days exactly. Do not read any other wazifa or dua during this time. I mean the person who has black magic on him and the person who is reading the wazifa for him, both of them will not read any other wazifa or dua during this period. what ever you read usually, stop reading it. Even if you read quran every day or read darood/ salavat or any other dua, stop it.
If you think the magic has been done to your whole family please make everyone drink it and ask them not to read any other dua or wazifa during these 11 days.
Inshallah after 11 days the black magic will disappear.
Wazifa For Black Magic-2
If you think you have black magic and you have all indications that it is black magic. Do the following and it will go away within 7 days. Guaranteed by the biggest Wali Allah in sub continent. Sayyedina Sheikh Ali Hajveri (Rehmatullah alaih), who is buried in Lahore in Pakistan. He came from Iraq 1000 years ago and brought Islam to the sub continent.
Darood/Salavat 11 times
Read “Ya Mumeet-o” (Allahs name) 7000 times every day
It takes an hour to read it 7000 times.
Do a dam (blow) on a glass of water and the person who has black magic on him should drink it. If the magic is on yourself, you drink the water. If it is whole family please make everyone drink this water. Please mix the water with normal water and drink it whole day also. But first everyone should take a sip from the new water every day. Then you can mix the left over water with normal water. Do this every day for 7 days.
Not only the black magic will disappear but it go back and attack the person who did it to you.
Wazifa For Black Magic-3
you think that you have black magic on your or on your children or
family, or on your home and business too. read the following for 7 days
at least.
Darood/Salavat Ibrahimi 3 times......the one your read in Salah
"Auzobillahi minish shaytan nir rajeem"....once
Surah Nuh once
Darood/Salavat Ibrahimi 3 times
do a dua like this...."Ya Allah what ever black magic there is on me,
my wife, my children, my family, my house and my business return it to
the person who did it. When you return it please reveal that person to
will know when the magic is finished when you will see that person in
your dream or in reality some one will tell you that so and so did it.
You will find out about the culprit. That is when you can stop doing the
Note: You will not read Bismillah in this wazifa any where.