Did you ever want to become rich?. Well here is the wazifa. Who so ever will do it will become rich.
After Esha Salah read "Ya musabbe bal asbab" 500 times. Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa.
But the condition is that you must read it outside with nothing on your head. No cap no scarf no Hijab no tree no shade no roof. This vazife is considered to be ikseer/elixir for gettinng rich. Within days you will become rich.
Keep on doing it until you are happy with your financial situation.
Warning: Asking Allah for money you don't need is very dangerous. You can loose your iman as more money than you need can lead to temptations. Instead of asking for more money you should use the dua of our beloved Prophet (Sallal laho alihey wa aalehi wasaalam) which I wrote here. You can find it in all books. Please use the Arabic version for correct pronunciation.
"Allahumma Akfeni be halale ka un harameka wa aghneni be fadleka am man sivak"
Wazifa To Become Rich-2
Did you ever want to become rich?. Well here is the wazifa. Who so ever will do it will become rich.
After Esha Salah every night read Surah Juma once only.
Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after the wazifa.
Wazifa To Become Rich-3
You will never need any other wazifa again to become rich if you can do this every night.
Read “Ya Vahhabo” (Allahs name) 1000 times in Esha Salah before vitar.
Darood/Salawat 11 times before and after.
This is a forever wazifa. It takes hardly 7-8 minutes to read it 1000 times. Such a small wazifa but it works like fire for rizk. Vahhab was the name of Allah that Prophet Sayyedina Sulaiman Alaihis salam used to read. It was the barakat of this name of Allah that every thing used to obey him.
Wazifa To Become Rich-4
If you are poor and have very little money please do the following regularly. Insallah you will become rich. Condition is that you do not miss any day.
After Esha salah every night read
Darood/Salavat 11 times
Surah Muzammal 11 times
While reading Surah Muzammal Everytime when u reach this ayet…..fatta khuz ho vakila…. after reading this whole ayet
Read Has bo nalla ho va naemal vakeel ..20 times
This has to be done each time you read Surah Muzammal.
At the end of the wazifa Darood/Salavat 11 times.
Then do a dua and send the Savab/Hasana to the Holy Prophet, Maulana Rumi (RA) and all Ummet and ask Allah to make you rich.
You will see the effects after 1 week of this wazifa.
Wazifa To Become Rich-5
Read Ya Ghani-o…..Allahs name….
Salavat / Darood 1 time before and after.
And only on Thursdays after tahajud or ishraq salah read it 1060 times.
Salavat / darood 7 times before and after.
Ishraq salah is read 30 minutes after sunrise. There are 4 rakat in this salah.
You will become rich very soon. This is a forever wazifa. You will see the effects within a month as you will start making a lot more money.